I spent 2 days just to figure this out to get my E to work with ESXi 6. This leads me to believe there is an issue with hardware compatibility with the motherboard I found the following snippet HERE. Verify the software depots are added: You can also try using a boot cd or a flash drive with a clean copy esx or a Linux distro to test the controller. Did you install the adaptec 5.
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Another idea occurred to me.

Are there any firmware updates that maybe required? I installed ESXi 5. One of the forums had an entry buried deep down within it, which mentioned creating a custom build of the ESXi installer, and yet it didnt have detailed instructions on HOW to do that. Is there something that I am missing, or any troubleshooting someone could suggest? If you make a post and then can't find it, it might have been snatched away.

How to install adaptec in esxi |VMware Communities

We thought it shouldn't be a problem because there was much documentation about custom images: Become a Redditor and subscribe to one of thousands of communities. So I Googled it. The characters YE and K are affected by this issue.

I adjusted the above command to reflect the location of the driver on my system like this: This website uses cookies for visitor traffic esxj.


At this point, I'm left to believe that there is some kind of incompatibility with my hardware. I found a few references on the web which told me it was possible to add the adaptec driver to an already running Adapec system.

I tried this tip of yours. Copied the drivers over using pscp. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Not right, because it's also possible to use an online depot.

Our experts are sharing their knowledge with you. Why isn't this working? The output from this command showed me the Software Depot and the driver zip file had indeed been successfully added.

Install ESXi 5 on Adaptec E Raid - Designer Visuals

Use this file for the installation of the CIM provider. Download Microsoft PowerShell and Microsoft.

Retrieved from " https: Your feedback is welcome Printable version. Received that the drivers were installed successfully, and a reboot is required. The drives do adapec appear at all. Some time ago, we changed the hardware of our VM server.

The spam filter can get a bit ahead of itself. Ah I had a quick look and couldn't see it but on mobile so didn't look hard!

ESXi 5.5 and Adaptec 6405e RAID controller

Get-EsxImageProfile You should see a display like this: The above command output many lines of text, which included the above 2 lines, so things are looking good at this point. The following instructions refer to ESXi 4. Refresh storage and storage adapters - nothing.

Have a look at Thomas-Krenn.
